Marlene Ratledge Buchanan
Life is hard. Soften it with laughter. This has become my mantra, because there are a limited number of “bless your hearts” a Southern woman can give to undeserving people. My life as a wife, mother of a special needs adult son, educator, and life-participant has provided me with moments when my Southern charm and grace has not been enough, but finding humor in the situation has.
A native Atlantan, I was raised to be a woman of her own mind and voice. My grandmother was so proud of the Right to Vote. My mother did a man’s job for years. Neither ever backed down from doing the best job they could.
I lie about my age. I add ten years because people tell me that I look good for that age; not so hot for my real age.
I married the love of my life in 1975. We married 364 days after our first date. He turned me down the first three times I proposed. My plans were to marry a rich old man. I only got old. Snell is eleven years to my senior, but I wouldn’t trade him for anything. I really don’t want to train another one!
We were married for seven years when after a couple of weeks of being puny, Snell asked “Do you think you could be pregnant?” What a shock. Pregnant we were. I began throwing up 15 minutes after conception and kept 24/7 morning sickness for fifteen days after James was born. James was deprived of oxygen during the birthing process. He is mild mentally handicapped. Brilliant in his areas of interest, he works full time for the local school system, blows glass, does photography, and taxidermy. His knowledge of birds and animals is astounding.
My first “official” teaching job was at age nine. I was tasked to teach toddlers not to fear water, to float in prone and supine positions, and to dog paddle. After more than 34 years of high school teaching and counseling in Gwinnett County Public Schools, I retired. Now I enjoy sharing my life experiences through writing, gardening and being with my boys, Snell and James. We are owned by four cats who allow us to care for them.
I currently serve as the Secretary, Membership, and Social Media officer for Southeastern Writers Association. www.southeasternwritersassociation.org. And I am the director for the Snellville chapter of Scribblers Web. www.scribblersweb.com.
I have written three books:
- Life is hard. Soften It with Laughter which won both 2020 Award Winning Christian Women Writers and the GA Independent Author of the Year First book
- A Place with a Past. A cozy mystery which won 2021 Georgia Independent Author of the Year Award
- Tips, Tricks, & Techniques. A Self Directed Guide for Easier Learning.
I also write the Hey Y’all column for Gwinnett Citizen and the Anything Goes Column for Inspirations for Better Living e-magazine.